
The gamified Pomodoro Timer you need for productivity boost


Pomo – from the word “Pomodoro” representing the use of the Pomodoro Timer; Rush – from the phrase “adrenaline rush” representing the rush in adrenaline

Together, the name PomoRush indicates the rush in being productive by using the gamified features of the Pomodoro technique


This App is about using the Pomodoro focus technique to challenge other online users in real time and also to earn money and buy badges.

Users are able to use the normal Pomodoro timer with customizable timer length changes from the usual 25-5-4.

Users are able to use a special Pomodoro timer to earn money which they can later use to buy badges and equip/unequip them as per their wishes.

Users are able to challenge other online users and send them a request of how many sets and how long they want to challenge the other person in terms of focus time for. Points are given to the winner based on how many sets of focus time and break time they finish without touching or switching pages within the app. The points collected by every user is then displayed on the leaderboard page.

The app collects user data like the user’s name, email address and photo URL. Please refer to the Privacy Policy of the app.

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